Proud to be made in Canada
We are proud to build Nipiy machines in our hometown of Grande Prairie, AB.
All four of our models are solar-powered & include:
Touchless, fully-automated, motion-activated 'no drip' taps & soap dispensers.
A recycled paper towel roll holder & biodegradable soap.
Easy-to-fill, large fresh water tanks.
Quick-drain grey water recapture tanks.
Deep Cycle 12 Volt battery able to run the tap continually for 21 hours.
​We also offer:
Choices for an aluminum frame or our original 'Nipiy Blue' frame.
Options to connect to a permanent water supply.
We are always open to customizations ~ we know ideas drive innovation!

No cords ~ No connections to power or water sources required!

Side view cut out windows make it easy to view fresh water and grey water levels.

We can include custom wraps or decals to include your contact info, QR codes, artwork & brand colours!

No cords ~ No connections to power or water sources required!
Our new design standard model includes:
A Flat top solar panel.
2 LED lights inset in top corners for 24 hour use
Touchless, motion activated, no drip soap dispensers & water taps.
A refillable large paper towel roll holder.
Deep cycle 12 volt battery that powers lights, taps, & soap for up to 21 hours.
The largest fresh water tank on the market (37 gallons/ over 140 litres).
Free standing, portable design.
Side view cut out windows make it easy to view fresh water and grey water levels.
Dimensions: Length 41" x Width 26" x Height 72"
Tank Capacity : Fresh: 37 gallons Grey water: 38 gallons
Free Standing & Fully Contained!
No cords - No connections to power or water sources required! Can be modified to an external water source.
Contact us to discuss custom wraps or decals to include your contact info, QR code, artwork & brand colours!
NEW! Re-engineered Design, Aluminum Frame

No cords ~ no connections to water sources required!

Large fresh water tanks typically provides over 3000 washes!

Available in Nipiy Blue, but can be customized in one colour to match your brand. Decals or custom wraps are also available!

No cords ~ no connections to water sources required!
Our Original Design
Our first design for Nipiy machines feature:
A top - mounted solar panel.
Touchless, motion -activated, no drip soap dispensers & water taps.
A refillable large paper towel roll holder.
Large fresh water tanks (25 gallons) & grey water tanks (50 gallons).
Free standing portable Design.
Compared to our new aluminum frame machine, our original model has a slightly more compact footprint
(approximately 3.0 feet x 2.5 feet base).
Dimensions: Length 36"x Width 26" x Height 69"
Tank capacity: Fresh: 25 gallons Grey water: 50 gallons
Available in original "Nipiy Blue" (Nipiy is the Cree word for water)
but can be customized in one colour to match your brand.
Decals or custom wraps are also available.

Contact us to learn more about Niipy's new #ReconciliACTION initiative
enabling social impact focused companies to donate machines or sponsor rental
Companies donating machines or sponsoring requests for rentals!

Turning an Idea
into an Invention
The idea for a new solar-powered, free-standing machine came to Jason Lizotte, a Red Seal Certified Welder, in 2018.
Jason turned frustration into sketches, research, prototype testing & eventually an invention that he patented.
Industrial/Construction Safety Station

Our Industrial model includes all the standard features plus First Aid & Emergency Response Equipment

Equipped with a shower for emergencies or a quick refresh on site

Our Industrial model includes all the standard features plus First Aid & Emergency Response Equipment
Our Industrial Model Includes:
All standard features plus
First Aid Kit & Emergency Response Equipment
Side attachments Include:
Emergency Burn Kit
First Aid Kit
Fire extinguisher
Eye Wash Station
Emergency Safety Shower
Base Length 36" x Width 26"
Height 69"
Plus 12" for shower
Excellent for supporting
industrial & construction job sites, major projects & first responder camps, especially in rural & remote communities
Children's Hand Wash Station

These shorter stations also make them more accessible for Youth or Adults in wheel chairs and people with limited mobility,

These Units are approximately 1/3 lower than our regular hand wash stations.

Nipiy Industries owner, Jason Lizotte is a member of the Metis Nation of Alberta. When his partner & sons suggested a custom design. #EVERYCHILDMATTERS orange to recognize Orange shirt day, he was thrilled with the custom design they created!

These shorter stations also make them more accessible for Youth or Adults in wheel chairs and people with limited mobility,
Our Children's solar powered models are built with the same high quality materials & internal components (solar 12 volt deep cycle battery & two water tanks) as our other utility-patent protected designs, but with extra features:
Two touchless, fully automated, no - drip taps & soap dispensers.
A centre paper towel holder & receptacle.
These units are approximately 1/3 lower than our regular hand wash stations.​
Length 53" x Width 26" x Height 46"
Tank Capacity:
Fresh Water: 24 gallons
Grey Water: 25 gallons
We are happy to talk about custom designs & ways to raise awareness for social impact campaigns in future designs!